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Known Google Maps bugs
IOS (Apple) version

Map loading method

Google have changed the method of loading a map. You now need to select 'saved' from the bottom menu then 'maps' to see your list of maps. Once a map is loaded, selecting the back arrow in the search box again then, down in the bottom left, select 'Explore' from the menu.

Lines and icons

Lines have been given a higher priority than icons so, at normal zoom levels, clicking on any icon displays the route information rather than the icon information. Work-arounds: 1) Zoom in to the map until there is some space between the icon and line then click the icon. 2) Click the icon, information for the route appears. Without closing the route information click again on the icon (sometimes you need to do it more than once). The icon information should now appear.

60 minute reset

60 minutes after launching Google Maps it unloads whatever map is displayed. Work-around: Re-load the map.

Missing icons

When you are cruising and the map scrolls, sometimes not all of the icons load. Additionally, As you zoom in and out of the map some icons appear and disappear. This may be down to the quality of your internet signal when the map is first loaded. Workaround: We've found if you zoom out very slightly from the default zoom level, any missing icons will show up. Alternatively re-load the map when you move to a new area, also switching layers off and on again can help to display missing icons.

Android version

Map loading method

Google have changed the method of loading a map. You now need to select 'saved' from the bottom menu then 'maps' to see your list of maps. Once a map is loaded, selecting the back arrow in the search box again then, down in the bottom left, select 'Explore' from the menu.